As with all Federations, the main decision-making body is the Assembly that is composed of representatives of the Member Associations. This allows for transparency and a democratic process for all FEAP actions.

The Federation is administered by a Management Committee which is composed of the President and Vice-Presidents of  the FEAP (who are elected by the General Assembly), assisted by the General Secretary and the immediate Past-President, Mr. Marco Gilmozzi.

  • Lara Barazi
    Lara Barazi President
  • Anna Pýc
    Anna Pýc Vice-President
  • Maialen Berterreche
    Maialen Berterreche Vice-President
  • Tor Anders Elvegård
    Tor Anders Elvegård Vice-President
  • Brian Thomsen
    Brian Thomsen Vice-President
  • Jordi Trías
    Jordi Trías Vice-President
  • Marco Gilmozzi
    Marco Gilmozzi Past President

The Federation’s secretariat

  • Catherine Pons
    Catherine Pons Office Manager
  • Javier Ojeda
    Javier Ojeda General Secretary
  • Szilvia Mihalffy
    Szilvia Mihalffy Project Manager

Specific issues of importance to the aquaculture sector are addressed within the appropriate Commission which may decide to prepare a Resolution on the topic.

Such Resolutions are presented to the Assembly for decision. If a positive vote is obtained, the Resolutions are sent by the FEAP to the Commission of the EU and other bodies of importance and are disseminated further by the National Associations.

  • Trond Davidsen
    Trond Davidsen Chairman of the Communication Commission
  • Béla Halasi-Kovács
    Béla Halasi-Kovács Chairman of the Environment Commission
  • Andrea Fabris
    Andrea Fabris Chairman of the Fish Health & Welfare Commission
  • Marine Levadoux
    Marine Levadoux Chairman of the Freshwater Commission
  • Laurent Sabeau
    Laurent Sabeau Chairman of the Sturgeon Commission
  • Tor Eirik Homme
    Tor Eirik Homme Chairman of the Salmon & Large Trout Commission
  • Spyros Giannoulatos
    Spyros Giannoulatos Chairman of the MedAqua Commission
  • Charlon Gouder
    Charlon Gouder Chairman of the Bluefin Tuna Commission