get in touch

The Secretariat of the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers is staffed by:

  • Javier Ojeda
    Javier Ojeda General Secretary
  • Catherine Pons
    Catherine Pons Office Manager
  • Szilvia Mihalffy
    Szilvia Mihalffy Project Manager


General Secretariat:

FEAP Legal Address 

  • Rue Blaise Pascal, 160 F-33127 Saint-Jean-d’Illac France

FEAP is a Foreign Association, declared in France, and authorised by the Ministry of the Interior in the Offical Journal of 19/06/1969, with a Prefecture dossier No. 018051 P

To ensure that the European Union is “open to public scrutiny”, the European Commission and the European Parliament have set up a transparency register for interest representatives.  Companies, business associations, consultancies as well as civil society organisations that engage in “activities carried out with the objective of influencing the policy formulation and decision-making processes of the European institutions” are encouraged to sign up.  The FEAP is registered under the following registration number: 42738291569-54

The FEAP strictly follows its Antitrust Code of Conduct. In all the activities that the federation carries out, notably in meetings, care is taken and vigilance is applied to assure full compliance with applicable antitrust rules. Participation in the federation is limited to representatives of the National Aquaculture Associations that are members of the FEAP.