- FEAP Position paper on the ECA special report on the EU aquaculture policy and general EU aquaculture policies
- FEAP Position paper on fish welfare : There can be no fish farming without fish welfare
- FEAP technical screening criteria for sustainable finfish aquaculture
- FEAP Position paper about the EC’s communications on the CFP and the CMO
- FEAP Position paper on the situation of organic aquaculture in the EU and an outlook for the future
- FEAP Position on the legal cataloguing of farmed fish manure
- FEAP Position on achieving the expectations set by the Green Deal on organic aquaculture production
- FEAP Position on assuring aquaculture system neutrality by policy makers
- FEAP Position on the EC’s Communication on the Strategic guidelines for a more sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture
- FEAP Position on the EC’s Communication on Transforming the EU’s Blue Economy for a Sustainable Future
- FEAP Position on the STECF report on Sustainability Criteria for Seafood under the CMO Marketing Standards
- FEAP Position on the Transport of Live Fish
- FEAP Position Paper on the proposal for a EC communication on a new approach for a Sustainable Blue Economy in the EU
- FEAP Position Paper on making grants available in the EMFF 2021-2027 for productive aquaculture investments
- FEAP Position Paper on Alien Species
- FEAP Position Paper on the intermediate report of the MISSION BOARD Healty Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Inland Waters
- FEAP Position Paper on the implementation of the EU Biodiversity 2030 Strategy
- FEAP Position Paper on the implementation of the FARM TO FORK Strategy
- A strategy to support Aquaculture in front of the Coronavirus Emergency
- FEAP Vision document November 2019 : Aquaculture is the solution
- FEAP resolution on welfare
- EMFF POST-2020 EU funding for aquaculture
- Joint Declaration on future support of freshwater aquaculture in the EU after 2020
- FEAP recommendations for the action plan to follow up on the fitness check of the EU Nature Directives
- FEAP position on Licensing and Permit procedures
- Declaration and resolution on freshwater pond aquaculture, prepared at the 3rd International Carp Conference, September 2015. Vodnany, Czech Republic Vodnany declaration and resolution
- Facts and figures aiming to clarify the position of the use and effects of the anti-oxidant Ethoxyquin in fish feeds
- FEAP’s position on the Amendments proposed by the European Parliament, fisheries committee, for a Regulation on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund EMFF
FEAP opinions and suggestions for the aquaculture components of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), the Common Organisation of Markets (COM) and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
FEAP opinions and suggestions for the Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC)