Organic fish farming demands coherence between EU policies

 In EC, EU

Read now the FEAP Position on ‘Organic fish farming demands coherence between EU policies’ published on July 6th, 2024.

EU policies for organic fish farming. The advancement of organic production in general, and organic fish farming in particular (as a subsector of organic aquaculture), is encouraged by the European Union policies. The Farm to Fork strategy established in 2020, which aims to increase food production in the EU while making food systems fair, healthy and environmentally friendly, targets 25% of the EU’s agricultural land under organic farming by 2030 and a significant increase in organic aquaculture. The EU Biodiversity Strategy of 2020 states that organic farming holds great potential for farmers and consumers. In 2021, the EU Action Plan for the Development of Organic Production identified organic aquaculture as a sector with potential development. Moreover, in 2021 the EU Strategic guidelines for a more sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture for the period 2021 to 2030 defined the promotion of organic aquaculture as a key food production procedure. The organic production and labelling rules are set in Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and the Council.

The situation of organic fish farming production in the EU. Read more.





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